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'Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus'


Philippians Chapter 4 v 6 & 7

Measham Baptist Church is an evangelical church, affiliated to the Baptist Union in particular the East Midlands Baptist Association. There are three things which we hold dear and form the basis of everything we do:


  • The Bible

  • Community

  • Jesus Christ

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The Bible

The greatest selling book, worldwide, of all time.

Presented to our monarch with the words 'The greatest thing this world affords'.  

We understand the Bible to be the written word of God and the ultimate guide for the living.


The Bible works, it works for individuals, for communities and for nations.  We are all living witnesses to the fact that God's word has the power to radically transform people and turn lives around.



At the church we are all part of a very caring and happy community, united in our Christian faith.  

We genuinely welcome everybody regardless of age or background.  


We are actively involved in our local communities and many of our church activities are about engaging with and supporting those around us.  


Please have a look at our activities tab  to find out more.  

The Bible tells us that being part of the community of a local Church is vital to the growth of a Christian.


Jesus Christ 

The man who has had a greater impact on the human race more than anybody else who has ever lived.  

Along with billions of people around the world and down through the ages we can testify to the fact that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and is alive today.  


When invited to do so, he will completely transform a persons life, offering a forgiveness, peace and assurance that is found nowhere else. Everything we believe can be summed up in perhaps the most famous verse of the Bible.  


'For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life'. John 3:16


Statement  of Faith

To view our agreed statement of faith please click here.


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